Mohanad Ibrahim


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Match-stick-man Aug. 19, 2020, 2:29 p.m.

Thanks for the very specific advice! I kinda liked the larger flame because it kinda fits the angry stickman, but now that I look at it it feels a little silly

Match-stick-man July 6, 2020, 6:23 p.m.

Hi, everyone. First post here
This simulation involves 3 simulations driving each one driving the next: eroding the matchstick with a sop solver to get a the deformed shape and also generate the fuel for the pyro sim. I might have overengineered it (just a little) with the flame temperature feeding back to the geometry and accumulating as a “glow” attribute for shading. I'll probably change that to something more manual.

Looking for some critique and how to improve this. Tips on how to do a better breakdown would also be appreciated
Thanks in advance!

Some pieces stay in the air when destroying a building April 2, 2019, 2:32 p.m.

The propagated growth idea sounds promising.I was trying to make the building fall be simulated as much as possible as opposed to controlling everything with constraints, but I guess your proposal gives better art direction too.
If I do the constraint deletion in SOPs, will the simulation still be able to break them or will it always bring in new constraints from SOPs overriding whatever happens in DOPs?