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How to export to 3ds L-system growth plant animation June 22, 2010, 9:44 a.m.

thanks wolf. thanks ben for speedy replies
I have try ur solution
render my L-system to obj en then import it to 3dsmax with objloader v1-4
its work…great…
But actually the only reason why i import my L-system to 3Dmax is i want to export it via 3dmax to W3D…
It was dissapointed know that 3dmax can't export obj animation sequence to W3D author check says “Unsupported node typebjLoader1”.
I still try to solve my problem with obj converter in director 8.5, the result is i can convert obj file to w3d one by one, but i can't convert obj sequence animation to w3d.
this problem it make me crazy…
If u have experience about that, please share….

How to export to 3ds L-system growth plant animation June 21, 2010, 2:23 a.m.

Dear all,
Now, im very confuse.
Any one know, how to export L-system growth plant animation to 3dsmax?
I tried using FBX exporter but shows warning :
“Warning:Could not evaluate a frame of vertex cache array”

as u know
To get the growth animation, im using clamp function in tab Generation in L-system object
“clamp($F,0,75)”. And then i press play button, the plant start growth.
but i have difficulties to export this animation….

please help me to solve my problem….