Bo Kamphues


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Python callback after USD ROP execution Feb. 14, 2022, 10:40 a.m.

Almost every ROP in Houdini has parameters for scripts that run Pre-render (before any rendering starts), pre-frame (before each frame), post-frame (after each frame), and post-render (after all frames are complete). In your case the Post-frame or Post-Render scripts seem like the likely places to put such logic.

Yeah I guess that would be an option. It seems a little messy (probably have to create a new digital asset). Also, there's not a lot of documentation on it, is there any way to get some parameters from the ROP node? I don't think `kwargs` works right?

Python callback after USD ROP execution Feb. 14, 2022, 10:09 a.m.

Hey there everybody!

I'm doing research on USD/Solaris automation and for the past few days I've been stuck on a particular problem. I'm trying to find a proper way to run a Python callback after the execution of a USD ROP. At first, I was trying to figure out the best way to do this for the USD ROP node specifically but in hindsight it would be great to know the proper procedure for ROP's in general. As far as I can tell from the documentation and Google, there doesn't seem to be a way to do this with the standard Houdini Python API.

The callback would create a symlink to the rendered file among other things.

TLDR; Trying to figure out a way to run a Python callback after a ROP execution.

Vellum cloth simulation that sticks after tearing. March 9, 2020, 10:39 a.m.

sheeeeeeesh….you could have warned us about a 1.9Gb download….
just some general points:
- the planarpatch comes with left/right/top/bottom seam groups, use them and forget about manually setting your own groups
- your scene geos are far too heavy for testing purposes…sure you may have a super 1000 core machine…not too many ppl do. The collider is far too heavy, so is the planar patch
- use an extremely basic test file to iron out your problems…
here's my basic test, the ‘sticky period’ is inside the solver, after that period, no more sticky constraints are created…but what already stuck will continue to stick.

First of all, thank you very much for answering! It was indeed a very large scene. I'll try to keep the optimization in mind for my next project! I managed to recreate the stickiness though slightly different. I still needed the weld constraint for the stretchy tearing look, but the “attach to geometry” node inside the solver works perfectly!