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Sound Driven Animation - Create Colors/Lights March 8, 2009, 2:14 p.m.

Hi, I am doing a sound driven animation in which groups of objects move to a piece of music, I have come to grips with using CHOPS and have been able to implement some lovely effects in the motion of the objects.

I would like to now add some color or lights, for example when the objects move to their peak points they change color and when they move back down they change again, or light up. I was wondering if anyone knows how to or knows of any good tutorials that can help in achieving this while a CHOPS network is working to move the objects.

I have attached my work so you can better understand what I am doing.

Thank you x

Sound Driven Animation - move individual objects in a group Feb. 26, 2009, 5:47 a.m.

Hey there,

Thanks thats a big help, but what I was going after something more along the lines of this… The music controls the movement but theres a delay in the motion of each adjacent object..

Sound Driven Animation - move individual objects in a group Feb. 24, 2009, 6:55 a.m.

I am doing a sound driven animation using 2 groups of tubes moving in unison with a piece of music.

I have managed to get them moving to the beat of the song, both groups moving at different intervals and then coming together to move together however now I am trying to get the individual objects in the groups to move and create a ripple effect; make one object follow the object next to it, lagging a little.

I have tried to do this with a lag node in the chops network however I dont know how to get it to apply to the individual objects. I understand there could be an expression that could help or perhaps maybe including a channel editor in my geometry but Im seriously lost and would appreciate some help.

Thank you!