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Field advection with sparse pyro solver March 8, 2021, 4:44 a.m.


Thank you for your reply.

It seems to work at a first glance, but it makes the flame look rather "fuzzy", as if large noise values are being added in. Comparing it to what it would look like in the non-sparse pyro solver I would expect a more natural "pulling" motion, hence why I assumed that it was not working correctly.


Field advection with sparse pyro solver March 6, 2021, 1:32 p.m.


I've been scratching my head for a few days now, in regards to the new sparse pyro solver and I was wondering if anyone has made this work.

I am having trouble trying to make bespoke field advections within the new sparse pyro solver. I have attached a scene with two examples. One example being a simple wind advection based on a vector and in the second one I am sampling a vel ramped field from outside the solver and trying to advect my SIM based on that.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.


Intestines with point relax Sept. 23, 2020, 5:11 a.m.

Hi everyone,

A few years back, I remember seeing someone doing a neat trick of creating intestines within a character in a very easy and interesting way. I thought I remembered the set-up, however I seem to be forgetting something.

The idea being, that you SDF the geometry you wish to create intestines for, erode it quite a bit and then scatter points within which you then relax into a shape and once you add them as a polygon you have an interesting line that resembles guts.

I have attached a set-up, which I am doing all the above on Tommy, but feel free to correct me if my method is wrong.

Many thanks!