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MAYA to H9 (help pls) Feb. 4, 2008, 9:36 p.m.

thanks guys.

learning houdini's workflow is taking quite awhile for me. its unconventional to say the least. but hopefully,i can find the sweet spot so i can incorporate this tool in our effects pipeline.

i am currently starting my journey with still life. and thats modelling(now),and later into texturing and lighting. after that,ill have to do some animations,then characters,after that a few effects shots…one stuff at a time. i also find the modelling tools quite awkward bec of the unfamiliarity but they are more than adequate,judging from the options.

i am hoping for your patience in guiding me
max/maya for 10 yrs to houdini is like moving from an english speaking country where you spent the rest of your life to somewhere in the far east where not everybody speaks english hehehe
thanks guys.

MAYA to H9 (help pls) Feb. 4, 2008, 5:11 a.m.

i just have the need to have the geometry “baked”. maybe its just a force of habit.
does leaving the whole dependency node intact have any effect on the performance speed of H9? specially if i am going to skin the character.
i am learning H9 using the only resources available to me for free. and those are the downloadable stuff i can get here. is there any place that has a more step-by-step summary of how things work in H9?

MAYA to H9 (help pls) Feb. 4, 2008, 2:42 a.m.

thanks for viewing.

whats the equivalent of “delete history” in H9? in 3dsMAX,we call it “collapsing”. thanks

more related questions to come!