Will Poillion


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Detail Array Attributes - Problems creating/adding Aug. 3, 2023, 5:49 p.m.

Thank you Tomas that is very helpful! I had figured out about the parallel processing after some troubleshooting but I never figured out how to append to a detail attribute.

Thank you so much!

Detail Array Attributes - Problems creating/adding Aug. 2, 2023, 7:35 p.m.

I'm a few months new to Houdini but a veteran programmer. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to work with detail array attributes. It's easy for every other type.

These 3 nodes are the basis of my inquiry:

1) Intersection analysis creates sourceprim array attribute on points

2) add_detail_array - contains 1 line run over detail to add a detail array attribute. I tried creating the detail attribute on the fly in lower node but wasn't working. This works for now though.
i[]@lowestprims = array();

3) add_lowest_prims_to_detail_array - What I'm trying to do here is simply run over all points and add the lowest prim number in the sourceprim attribute array to a detail array attribute.

int prims[] = i[]@sourceprim;

int lowestid = 99999;

for (int i = 0; i < len(prims); i++){
    if (prims[i] < lowestid) {
        lowestid = floor(prims[i]);

int success;
int existingList[] = getattrib(geoself(), "detail", "lowestprims", 0, success);
i[]@oldExistingList = existingList;

if (find(existingList, lowestid) < 0) {
    append(existingList, floor(lowestid));
    i[]@existingList = existingList;
    setdetailattrib(0, "lowestprims", existingList );

You can see in the code above I'm grabbing that sourceprim array, finding the lowest value, and then trying to append it to the detail attribute if it's not already in there. However, existingList is ALWAYS empty after the getattrib function call.

Does anyone know a way to do this or what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you!

Noob looking for resources on supported nodes May 9, 2023, 6:25 p.m.


As stated in the title, I'm new to learning Houdini. I've started to get a hang of it, watched a few courses, and played around with Unity starter kit (https://www.sidefx.com/contentlibrary/unity-starter-kit/). Then I tried to create my own Hexagon Tile HDA as a test.

I didn't realize how quickly I'd hit a wall. I created a very simple HDA that's basically just a tube with a bevel and subdivision applied, illustrated here:

But bringing that over to Unity it's immediately obvious that bevel and subdivide don't work at all, however height does work.

I have no doubt this is a noob question, but where can I go to figure out what I'm doing wrong? Or what nodes are or aren't supported? All the HDAs in the unity starter kit seem to work. The pipe has a bevel that seems to work. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!