Michael Gaiser


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For Loop within object translate parameter April 12, 2012, 8:44 p.m.

I need to make a custom function that I can call within a channel. I have a function that I need to iterate over a certain number of times and add the results together.

But all that requires a for loop and I cannot seem to find out how to use one within a channel expression or figure out how to call a custom function within a channel expression.

For Loop within object translate parameter April 12, 2012, 3:41 p.m.

So I am placing objects in space using a xy coord system and want to be able to scale them based on the y coordinates. This requires the use of a for loop within the parameter expression to know the offset from the previous y coords. Is it possible to have a for loop within the translateX parameter expression? Thanks.

Using rand() on a source node in a PopNet April 16, 2008, 11:58 a.m.

I want to use rand() so I can bias my particles life expectancy but since the particles are not yet emitted, I do not have $PT or $ID to use as the seed. How does one get around this? I know that the lifeVariance is using the see from outside the popnet so some form or rand() is being called under the hood. Anyway to expose that so I can make a rand() call in my expression? Thanks
