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Using Alternate Dicing Camera ? (prman) Aug. 13, 2008, 11:56 a.m.

I got some feedback from sidefx - apparently this is a job for soho and some python scripting…

Think I'm gonna wait until this addressed proper in a future release and switch back to using maya&liquid (boo!)

Using Alternate Dicing Camera ? (prman) Aug. 5, 2008, 12:11 p.m.

I want to use an alternate camera for dicing to get around a nasty overlap between some displaced geo and the camera-plane.

I'm trying to make sense of using the ‘ri_referencecamera’ rendering parameter, but cannot work out how to associate this with an actual camera from my scene…

I'm proper confused…


bake texture May 21, 2008, 6:27 a.m.

Yep, it's pretty cool. However, you'll need to ask Pixar to add it to PRman if you want it there SESI can't add stuff to software they don't have the source for


Peter B

For PRMAN : Use bake3d to write out P, shaderColours and UV coords into a pointcloud, then use ptrender to make your UV textures from your pointcloud.

You'd have to add the bake3d call to your .sl code and recompile to .slo - as well as recreate your shader .otl to include your new bake3d shader parameters.