tanguy Bodivit


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Houdini 17.5.229 really unstable with Flip May 1, 2019, 3:36 p.m.

Hi guys, I don't know if it is me or not, but my Houdini is really unstable when I play with Flip.
I crash almost every instance of Houdini I will start and tweak my parameters.
I am really not doing much, import a bgeo collider geo file, a sphere with a mountain SOP and a bit of animation.
My particle count is not hellish neither.
I run a a dual Xeons and 128Gig of RAM coupled with 2 1080ti on Windows10.
Anyone experiencing the same behavior ?



Houdini Consistent Crashes April 29, 2019, 2:15 p.m.

Hi there,
I am having the same issue, I am running H17.5.229 Indie Win 10 with 2 1080ti and 128 Gig of RAM and I crash pretty consistently when running Flip operation on small scale, AKA perfume bottle scale and some FLIP dropping viscous liquid on top of it.
I crash easy 6 times a day since .229


HDK "could not find platform sdk installation directory Dec. 19, 2013, 11:25 a.m.

me too ! FANTASTIC