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What missing in houdini May 5, 2007, 7:47 p.m.

Hi ,

Rop obj sequence export works fine , but i can't read it on Maya 8.5 . For Prman i uninstall it (when i lost hope) . I should reinstall it soon .

Thanks and Regards .

What missing in houdini May 4, 2007, 8:57 a.m.

Hi digitallysane

Thanks for the reponse . The real flow plugin gave “a bizzare” mismatch version . It does'nt load . It looks like it's for houdini 8.1 . I have the 8.1.666 version . Is it possible to export geometry animation like OBJ sequence or other data format ?

Regards .

What missing in houdini May 3, 2007, 8:45 a.m.

Hi ,

First i want to thank everybody who reply to this topic . My purpose is not to compare houdini to other packages . Even if i'm a newbie i found it very structural and well done . Procedural work is more clear and easy . However i found in the latest other packages (MAYA , XSI) a bunch of shaders ready to use and after years of work i have never wrote a single mel or vb script in those packages .

For renderman i had to read a plim.pdf posted on this forum and could'nt fire up the renderer just to see it working , before writing or modifying any shader. And i found many other tutorials each using its own procedure to connect Prman to houdini . What i was expecting is a plugin without all that bunch of work .

For light i will check that .

For geometry exporting , i will apreciate to have a link to that “free RealFlow export plugins” .

In conclusion your help gave me good points to start or i mean to continue.

Thanks and regards to everybody .