Houdini Main Changelogs


Fixed gplay crash trying to open the geometry info window when there is no geometry.

Mon. March 6, 2023

Fixed gplay crash trying to open the geometry info window when there is no geometry.

Mon. March 6, 2023

In the HDK, IMG_File::open() and IMG_File::create() now return unique ptrs to the file handle.

Sat. March 4, 2023

IMG_File::open()/create() now return a unique ptr.

Sat. March 4, 2023

Add support for logging when we checkout a license seat and checkin a license seat and update the heartbeat message to follow the same pattern.

checkin: IN [licenseid] [seatid] [product] checkout: OUT [licenseid] [seatid] [product] [user@machine] heartbeat: HEARTBEAT [licenseid] [seatid] [product] [pass/fail]

Fri. March 3, 2023

Add support for logging when we checkout a license seat and checkin a license seat and update the heartbeat message to follow the same pattern.

checkin: IN [licenseid] [seatid] [product] checkout: OUT [licenseid] [seatid] [product] [user@machine] heartbeat: HEARTBEAT [licenseid] [seatid] [product] [pass/fail]

Fri. March 3, 2023

Added a density gravity feature to the Pyro Solver which allows the force of gravity applied to the fluid to be scaled differently based on the density.

Fri. March 3, 2023

Fixed a bug where changing purpose attribute had no effect in IPR update until render restart.

Thu. March 2, 2023

Removed the message "Retrieving information about installed licenses..." from sesictrl.

Thu. March 2, 2023

Removed the message "Retrieving information about installed licenses..." from sesictrl.

Thu. March 2, 2023

Removed the message "Retrieving information about installed licenses..." from sesictrl.

Thu. March 2, 2023

Added hou.Parm methods to move multi parm instances.

  • hou.Parm.moveMultiParmInstances(moves)
  • hou.Parm.moveDownMultiParmInstance(inst_index)
  • hou.Parm.moveUpMultiParmInstance(inst_index)
Thu. March 2, 2023

Fixed the default Python setting in the HQueue Scheduler TOP node so that it points to the Python binary that ships with HQueue. Previously, the setting pointed to the system Python, which may not be installed, and also Python 2.

Note that the fix requires the HQueue Server and Clients to be upgraded to 20.0.270.

Thu. March 2, 2023

Fixed a Python exception when visualizing shader outputs of 'vector4' type.

Thu. March 2, 2023

Add implementation of hou.RampParmTemplate.parmTemplates() similar to the corresponding method in hou.FolderParmTemplate. This returns the ramp type specific child folder templates of the parameter.

Thu. March 2, 2023

Added support for a `strict` mode to the %type auto-collection in LOPs.

Thu. March 2, 2023

Added support for a `strict` mode to the %type auto-collection in LOPs.

Thu. March 2, 2023

Removed hbrickmap.

Wed. March 1, 2023

Removed hbrickmap.

Wed. March 1, 2023

Fixed a bug in camera handles that could lead to them using uninitialized memory.

Wed. March 1, 2023

Fixed a bug with updates of polygonal meshes with holes in Karma.

Wed. March 1, 2023

RBD Constraints from Curves, Lines and Rules SOP now always display the created constraints.

Tue. February 28, 2023

The usdmaterialpath attribute used by the SOP Import LOP to create and bind materials when importing from SOPs can now be a relative path, which is interpreted as being relative to the parent of the geometry prim to which the material will be bound.

Tue. February 28, 2023

Optimized string transfer to Houdini from Unreal, improving cook times.

Tue. February 28, 2023

Added new HAPI functions to allow the set the same attributei value multiple times without having duplicate it,

Tue. February 28, 2023