Candy Crush | King
We connect with Peter Ridgway, Global CG Supervisor, and Miguel Mendez, Technical Artist, on how KING has developed a global platform of modular tools that enables artists to develop 3D environments for any KING game.
Using Houdini Engine, they can build and deploy Houdini tools to target apps such as Maya, 3ds Max, Unity, and their own proprietary engines - so that artists can use Houdini procedural technology in the software they already know how to use.
EricSheng 5 years, 9 months ago |
The Houdini Graph in United looks amazing.
EricSheng 5 years, 9 months ago |
The Houdini Graph in Unit3d looks amazing.
EricSheng 5 years, 9 months ago |
The Houdini Graph in Unity3d looks amazing.
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