Expression chop

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Hi all ,
Using a geometry chop I am reading in 2 point attributes distancemax and distancemin I add the rename scope as distancemax and distancemin.

mmb on the chop I have 2 channels distancemax0 and distancemin0 using a expression chop. I can use in the first slot for the expression icmax(0,0) . This will give me the maxiumvalue of the attribute distancemax over a number of frames. All this works as expected. But for some reason it will only evaluate the first point attribute distancemax and not distancemin.

So to my question using the expression chop how can I evaluate each different
point attribute using different expressions in each slot of the expression chop. I am currently trying to use icmin on the first channel and icmax on the second.

Gone fishing
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Hi Rob,

try to set the ‘Num Expressions’ param in the Group tab to 2
and set expression1 = icmax(0,0) and expression2 = icmin(0,1).

It should work.
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It looks like no matter what the Expression CHOP runs the expressions on each channel.

Why not use a Constant CHOP instead. That works great and gives you two constant channels to index in to with your expressions plus you can clearly see the channel min and max envelopes are.

chop_icmin_icmax_expressions.hip (32.7 KB)

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Thanks for the promt replies>

I had almost given up hope after reading the cryptic houdini help, just took me a while longer to figure it. Thanks for the example Jeff ! I will put up an example of what i have done with any luck tomorrow !

Gone fishing
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