What is Attribute/AttribTransfer/AttribCreat ?

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Although, I read so much about those on Google, blogs, tutorials, and this forum, I just don't get it.
I really want to understand what Attribute it is, and does.
Without knowing them, I can't follow any tutorials online further more…
And It really frustrates me

Can someone explain me in REALLY REALLY EASY WAY.. please….?
Maybe even by giving metamorphical examples?

I don't even know what to ask about those, which shows how much I REALLY don't understand them..

I pre-appreciate !!!!

P.S If you have some time, and don't mind helping me… you can add me on skype to explain me better.. my ID is bluciensky

Thank you again !!
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Attribcreate - creates the attribute
Attribtransfer - makes it possible to transfer attributes between different objects (surface colors, velocities or whatever)
Attribute - can be used to rename or delete attributes
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Attribute in Houdini is just a piece of data that is attached to the geometry. You can pass around this piece of data anywhere in Houdini where it makes sense. This piece of data isn't recognized unless the tools are programmed to recognize a particular data name, or you specifically call that data to be used somewhere.
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Here is a very simple example.

Read the sticky.

attributes_001.hipnc (60.2 KB)

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Thank you SO !! much for answers !!
Especially, Ragupasta's example file really helped me a lot !

Now, I guess I know what attributecreate does(for point and primitive), altho.. not sure what Class and Vertice would do..

and the transfer example helped me to understand the idea too

Thank you !
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Hey Blucienski

An example of a vertex attribute would be UVs because you can have many vertices per point (IE a uv seam) They are basically the vertices that define a primitive
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