Chops, multiple export

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I have one Chop network driving the number of particles. In the same Chop node can I also drive the particle velocity? (With different values)

I can only Export from one node at a time it seems?

Or do I need to create a different Chop node for every channel/value I'm exporting to? []
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You can use chop() expression function to drive parameter by CHOPs.
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Thanks. I think I just need to read up on this a bit. But I presume this is just an expression to grab the data from the Chop node and drop into the other network? []
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There are quite a few ways to export CHOP channels to target parameters.

To answer your question as for multiple exports, you can shift-select multiple export flags on any CHOP. This method works well but you need some way to indicate which CHOPs are to be exported. Use colour on nodes or name export nodes accordingly.

As target CHOPs, you can use Null CHOPs or Export CHOPs with say a prefix of “EXPORT_” to indicate this. Also colour them orange as well. Makes it easy to see which ones to shift-select export flags.

I like to use Export Flags as opposed to chop() expressions in the target node parameter fields. By using export flags, you can point the CHOPs to any multiple parameters at any time without wading through your networks.

You can export from any CHOP as long as the channel name and the Export Prefix in the Common tab all create the proper path. This is the “natural” designed way to export CHOP channels.

You can also use Export CHOPs instead of the Export Prefix method. The Export CHOP has a few extra nice features to help create parameter override targets. It is the friendlier way to export channels and recommended for most users that are just occasional casual users of CHOPs. It has its limitations as you build up multiple target node set-ups.

Using Merge CHOPs to merge in all the channels to a single CHOP with a single export flag in your network is a good way to work. You can create a collection of channels for individual target overrides. Careful with the channel names and Export Prefix parameter to create proper targets.

See the example file for a few of the methods explained above.

CHOP_exports_example.hip (190.9 KB)

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See the example file for a few of the methods explained above.

That is all extremely helpful. Thank you for taking the time to make such a detailed response []
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