There is a Box inside my Sphere

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As you can see on the attached image, I have highlighted a box which is inside a sphere, and also there is a tube going through the sphere.

How would I procedurally remove the box and keep the sphere and cylinder ?

Houdini file attached.

EDIT: Came to the conclusion that you can assume that the sphere is in a group, so I have updated the example file to better reflect the situation.
Edited by - Dec. 7, 2015 16:08:25

Box_inside.jpg (73.1 KB)
Box_Inside2.hipnc (53.7 KB)


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You can click on the boxes bypass flag ( it's the furthest flag on the left of the box object - bypass flag turns yellow when it is on )
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You can click on the boxes bypass flag ( it's the furthest flag on the left of the box object - bypass flag turns yellow when it is on )

Ofcourse, but that's not very procedural. I want to detect any loose geo inside the sphere and delete it. This is a simplified setup to illustrate what I want todo.

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Instead of deleting it…maybe do something like create a group node between merge and sphere and one between merge and cylinder….then whatever you do after merge only use( select ) the names of the two groups…whatever may be “loose geo” won't be included…effectively deleting it.

If you have a complex process in which you not sure where the “loose geo” is coming from, maybe retrace your steps back to the beginning and for each node have a look at the spreedsheet to see what it getting generated…then maybe you can figure out a way to sort your process with the use of other nodes like maybe the group node for example.
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Instead of deleting it…maybe do something like create a group node between merge and sphere and one between merge and cylinder….then whatever you do after merge only use( select ) the names of the two groups…whatever may be “loose geo” won't be included…effectively deleting it.

If you have a complex process in which you not sure where the “loose geo” is coming from, maybe retrace your steps back to the beginning and for each node have a look at the spreedsheet to see what it getting generated…then maybe you can figure out a way to sort your process with the use of other nodes like maybe the group node for example.

If it was this simple I would not have asked the question. And it can't be backtraced to earlier in the graph. I am searching for a way to identify lose geo inside other geo without any previous indications such as a group.

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Perhaps you could provide more details of what the situation is?
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Perhaps you could provide more details of what the situation is?

Actually come to think of it, you could assume one thing, that the sphere is in a group. I've added that to the test scene here.

Perhaps that will help.

Think of it as forLoop clipping over a split up mesh, which is then merged with the sphere and you need to remove things that are entierly inside the sphere, but not the ones sticking out.

Box_Inside2.hipnc (53.7 KB)


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There is a bounding box option on the group node and it also has a sub-option for points only.

I tried playing around with it…along with add and resample nodes ( to try and work with points only ) and didn't have any luck.

I suspect it would be a combination of those nodes along with some of the nodes in the modily shelf like “copy to points” , “combine”, etc.

sorry…couldn't help.
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There is a bounding box option on the group node and it also has a sub-option for points only.

I tried playing around with it…along with add and resample nodes ( to try and work with points only ) and didn't have any luck.

I suspect it would be a combination of those nodes along with some of the nodes in the modily shelf like “copy to points” , “combine”, etc.

sorry…couldn't help.

Well that's allright. thank you for trying. I should perhaps say I already have a working solution. I was just curious to see if there is a better solution than mine.

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BabaJ, you may not have solved it, but your words inspired me and I came up with a solution based on groups. Im posting a file with my old solution and the new one inspired by you.
I think the new one is rather fail safe compared to my old one.

Box_Inside3.hipnc (131.5 KB)


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I did a slightly more straight forward way using a python node,

it groups all points in the bounds tab of the group sop, then the python counts the total points in each geo, if it matches, it deletes

note: please ignore the extra assemble node, I derped

box_inside_MikeStyle.hipnc (74.2 KB)

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Nice one Mike !

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