Multiple fluid emitters.

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Hi all, i've some questions regarding the houdini flip fluids.

Let's say i want a scen with 2 grids emitting fluids and interacting between each other, so i made a container with 2 geometry, 2 create_surface_volume, then merged it and used the whole container as a flipfluidobject (i attached an image to show).

Now i'd like to make 1 grid start emitting at frame 1 and the other one at frame 50. I looked around but i couldn't find the way to set this up.

Thanks in advance for the help ^^

Untitled-2 copy.JPG (165.5 KB)

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You can use multiple sources in your DOP network. Create another Source Volume node and reference each grid separately, then connect both into your merge2 node.
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Sean Rowe
You can use multiple sources in your DOP network. Create another Source Volume node and reference each grid separately, then connect both into your merge2 node.

I did, but it simulate only 1 emitter…

ok it worked but only on a new test where i actually made 1 grid and then copied to make the other one. But if i create the second one something does not work, dunno if if the flipfluiobject or something else… any advice?
Edited by Homer0 - May 31, 2016 15:19:47
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You also have to configure the second source Volume Path to point to the correct sub node in the referenced object.
Edited by Enivob - May 31, 2016 16:38:04

ap_dual_flip_source_volumes.hipnc (1.8 MB)

Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
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Here is an example image of the scene in the previous reply.

Untitled-1.jpg (265.1 KB)

Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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Thanks Enivob, i already did that; the problem seems to was elsewhere. Since i didn't create every node manually but simply used the shelf to set up another Emit Particle Fluid and then delete the 2nd Flipfluidobject; the create_surface_volume of the second emitter still had the Particle Separation linked to the Flip i deleted. I corrected that to the first flip and now is working ^^

Now i just have to keyframe the Activation parameter to change the start emitting time.

Another question. Now that i have only one Flip object i have only 1 particle fluid network to import and cache my particles. This is good, but since it'll become a very heavy scene, i was wondering if i at least cache all the particle and then simulate the Whitewater separately using the cached particle.
I know probably it's a silly question, but i just want to know if the whitewater simulation can use cached particle or need a simulated one to work and react properly.
Edited by Homer0 - June 1, 2016 06:15:58
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