Sluggish viewport Performance

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I realize my computer's GPU is my weak link, but all other 3d apps manage well, especially Maya but I“mi here to talk about houdini

I loaded my mesh just fine, can't wait to try this incredible app out, but atm is very sluggish for me with my current 1.4 mil tri mesh.

Is there a setting Im missing, or is houdini just harder on resources compared to other 3d apps given the way its designed for vFX , etc. ?

Phenom II X4 3.2ghz , 8gb ram HD 7750 2gb.

I know its not a powerhouse but I can't afford that atm, but its f ar from a slug you must admit.

AS noted, maya runs fluidly , and of course well, mudbox ( tested it) allows me to create giant meshes with almost no slow downs until I reach 30 mil tris or so, but I”m here to talk houdini , thats just a reference, nothing else.

Thx anyone I"d love to speed this puppy up a bit if possible un till I can afford a gtx titan HM

Edited by neighborlee72u - June 24, 2016 10:16:19
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Hi, I'm not sure if this will help but you could try the following. (see attached)

Disable displacement in the viewport - Press d in viewport or use material drop-down (shown)
Remove backfaces in viewport. Press d in viewport (shown)


H15_Display.jpg (82.6 KB)

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Another option is go back to your original object file (mudbox - I assume) and create a second lower poly version to use as a proxy object. Do your fx or animations and when finally ready, exchange the proxy object with the higher resolution object to do you final renders.

Bake you textures as well from the high resolution model. Use these files for textures in Houdini.
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Maybe you also have anti-aliasing on in the viewport ?
But honestly, I never had any good experiences with AMD cards and Houdini.
There's no need to get an overpriced titan either. Any midrange nvidia gtx will do.
I get 45fps with a ~7 million triangle mesh on my shitty GTX 660.

fps.JPG (94.7 KB)

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Noted about amd/houdini, but does houdini staff have any comment on that ?

I can't check now, but I"ll look at anti aliasing as well but I doubt I would have turned it oh realizing the perf. loss .

I do admit AMD has servere software issues with its installers and maintenace updates after that so maybe there hardware isn't the best either, such a shame. I got this card, only because I needed to replace a bad card and teh bestbuy I went to ( shortest trip) had nvidia cards only up to Gt 610 and I was afraid to go that route so I got this HD 7750. GPUboss seems to bear out my choice.

Then there is this: [] []

Second url clearly indicates my card doesn't hold up, not that I"m all that shocked given the age of mine, oddly the first one shows them almost dead even so I don't know. But yes, I know my card needs updated, as I can't PUSH it too far without slowdowns in most apps. I've been basically fine , but lately as I push it for game development I realize its time.

Clearly you are getting incredible frame rates on a relatively big mesh though I've seen mudobx handle4 or 5 times that on my HD card with ease, but I realize not all apps are created equal and mudbox does basically one thing really well, sculpting so who knows

I had a GTX 8800 that was just amazing so maybe going AMD was a mistake afterall

TY for info, I'll update this thread once I've had a chance to check AA , etc.
Edited by neighborlee72u - June 25, 2016 13:29:29
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