vex to vops - continue function

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Joined: Jan. 2014
Hello everyone.

I've been spending quite a bit of time lately trying to wrap my head around vex and vops. For the most part I'm creating simple tests in an attribute wrangle node, which I then attempt to recreate in an attribute vop node. Unfortunately, i'm quickly finding out that translating vex to vops isn't always easy. One vex function that I can't seem to easily recreate in vops is “continue;” Is there an alternate method in vops for telling a loop to move to the next iteration if a certain condition is met?

Thank you
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You can always construct what you need in VOPs then simply view as code to see the vex result.

From the Right-Click Menu choose: VEX/VOP Options/View VEX Code
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@Enivob: He seems to have the opposite problem. He wants to translate a VEX code he made to VOP. The way you would go about it in vops is with an if condition within a for loop. But, if you are confortable with VEX that will be an example which probably is quicker created in a wrangle than in VOPS. I understand the feeling to want to learn both though []
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