Using VDB SDF's distance value, how do I make particles lying on some range of surface?

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Hi guys.

I've been trying to make particles snap onto surface using vdb sdf.(volume sample and gradient)
Specifically, I am trying to emit the particles from sdf volume and let them lie on some range of a surface.

I know how to snap particles on a surface using volume sample and gradient but what I really want to make is exactly not that all particles stick on the surface. I want some particles to lie down a short distance away from the surface outside or inside.(randomly)
It may be softball question but I can't get easily figured out…
Any suggestions would be appreciated!


prac_sdf_distance.hip (251.2 KB)
image_01.jpg (179.3 KB)

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question but I can't get easily figured out…
Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Well if you know how to move a point to the boundary of the sdf, all you need to do is then add a random value thats something like fit01(@rand(@ptnum),-1,1) to the vector you pushed the point along.

Gone fishing
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Thanks a lot for your help! You're right. I should have thought about it a little more.
Edited by lee22 - Sept. 12, 2016 09:07:58
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