Houdini 15.5 Instance Geometry Not Rendering?

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I can't get this to work for the life of me. I've tried the shelf tool and also building it from scratch myself via help reference. Whenever I render my scene all I get are points where any instances are suppose to be. I also noted that much of the parameters as shown in the help manual for the Instance node do not actually show up on the node itself when adding it either via the shelf button or by inserting the node.


I've attached a clean mock up file showing the setup I've been trying. I have another project that is a bit more complicated where I need this same process to work. Didn't want to bog anyone down with all that though.

Instance_No_Render.hiplc (342.4 KB)

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So I found this link where the instancing clearly works in Apprentice… https://www.sidefx.com/forum/topic/41170/?page=1#post-184714 [sidefx.com]

I did the same setup in Indie 15.5 and nothing renders.

There has to be some magic setting somewhere I'm missing right?????
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When its set to scene view as is ( when the file opens ) I don't get anything. But if I zoom in some in scene view then I can get a render.

I think thats all you need to do…either zoom in on your scene view and use that from the pull down menu in the render view or just set up a camera where you know your going to get a render and select that camera when you are in render view from the pull down menu.
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