Abort button and Manual update

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Is it possible to abort when you accidently initiate re-cook of and HDA inside Unreal ? would be cool if there was an abort button on that little re-cook message comming out down to the right.

Is there any way to enter “manual” update mode in Unreal as in Houdini ? I have 8 assets that depends on a shape inside Unreal and anytime I want to maniuplate it I move it a little and suddenly all 8 assets start to re-cook and Unreal freeze for awhile.

Personal Houdini test videos, http://vimeo.com/magnusl3d/ [vimeo.com]
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Unfortunately we don't have anything for aborting/cancelling a cook that was sent…

To avoid excessive recooking when manipulating your assets, disable “enable cooking on parameter change” in the asset options, under Houdini Asset in the details panel.
Make sure also that “Transform changes triggers cook” is disabled as well.
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Please add one, like the abort button for lightmap baking.

And having a “manual” mode sort of thing would help a lot because if I go into the asset and disable cook on transform do I not then have to go through each asset to trigger the cook manually later ? none of those workflows deal good when you have massive amount of HDA's in the scene which in turn depends on massive amount of inputs.

For my concerns it could very well be a right click thing on the HDA asset in asset browser, like the “Rebuild all instances” you could have a “manual update mode on/off” and a “update” option there.
Edited by MagnusL3D - March 14, 2017 03:01:24

Personal Houdini test videos, http://vimeo.com/magnusl3d/ [vimeo.com]
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Well, actually it should be a option to stop loading of anything that is already set up in a HDA.
Let's say you have a "node" that has data added already, and is then loading - updating/reading when selecting it. Then it would be really nice to be able to stop that operation with a hard cancel if possible. If houdini had it's own active operation cache file, then by selecting a node and clicking a update option it would continue from were it was aborter would be gold Or even just start over if so, but at least beeing able to cancel/abort a operation that in some cases can take 5-10min would really be helpful.

But also to have a option to disable auto update/recook/rebuild would be super helpful to. Because i feel that it takes way to long when houdini has to reload the data that was added/imported to a node each time you select it. At least it feels like it is verifying the data and regenerate/realoads the data from scratch, and it take to much time to wait for it to regenerate/reload from the actual tools you are using. But that is talk for later...
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