Using a RAMP in VOPS to control turbulence along a spline.

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A couple of things.

1. I'm trying to grasp how a spline ramp parameter actually works.
2. I'm attempting to take a spline, assign values from 0-1 along the spline, then control how much ‘displacement’ the geometry receives using a spline.

I partially have it working, but it seems to affect the scale, not the amount of displacement.

Any help would be appreciated.

Especially in attempting to understand how these work so I'm not just copying what someone else is doing.



limit_the_turbulence_using_spline_ramp.hiplc (91.1 KB)

Reel Inpsirations
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I've modified your example a bit. I'm using the same ramp to control the amplitude/roughness of the noise node to create a noise vector, which length can be used as push multiplier (move the point along its normal).
If you link the noise-vector directly to the “add1-node” instead of using the modified normal, then the displacement goes to random direction. Another solution can be a mixture between pure normal displacement and the random-direction distortion (just blend the vectors 0~random direction <-> 1~normal direction).

limit_the_turbulence_using_spline_ramp_mod.hipnc (112.8 KB)

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