Long UIDs in Linux corrupt HIP file.

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We are using Houdini 7.0.633 in Linux. Our users come from a LDAP server and have 7 digit uids. Anytime a file from houdini is saved by a user with a 7 digit uid the file becomes corrupt and is not readable by houdini ever again. I also tested this with a local user with a 7 digit uid in /etc/passwd and houdini exhibits the same problem so it does not appear to be ldap related.

It works fine for local and ldap users with uid lengths <= 6.

Any chance this bug could be fixed? We've got a few thousand ldap users who can't use houdini in Linux.


Here's a sample /etc/passwd entry that will cause a crash when logged in as that user.

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Interesting. What LInux distro are you using? I think that's relevant.

Btw, have you tried downloading a v8 release, running it in apprentice mode, and seeing if the problem is still there? It's just so odd that Houdini would care about such a thing. Seems OS related.


John Coldrick
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I've been able to recreate the problem with CentOS 4.0, Ubuntu 5.10 and Gentoo with both local and LDAP users.
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I've also tried Houdini 8.0.410 under CentOS and Ubuntu which we haven't deployed yet. It exhibits the same bug.
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I would absolutely leave ldap out of it altogether since you can repro locally. Avoids multiple red herring issues. I'm having trouble nailing this number down, but there's no chance you've exceeded a legal uid range, is there? I know that 64 bit systems let you have more(a *lot* more), but I'm unsure about 32 bit. I know 64 bit can do in the billions theoretically, but definitely not 32. Obviously you've been using these accounts robustly without any other troubles, right?

Wondering if it's the particular compilation of Houdini. That release is getting a little old in the tooth now, I assume you're running an RH9 compile on some pretty new distros.

With the number of users you're talking about, I would be contacting support directly, not going through the forums, though.



the more I'm reading, the more I'm seeing many 32 bit distros limit their uids to the 65K mark. There's also issues of configuring ldap with a specified upper uid maximum. In short, lots of other things can be at play here. I assume you're using such a large number for some sort of internal convention(department A - 5000-10000, etc.), but maybe you've pushed it too far? I'm unsure what the results would be of exceeding the kernel's limit - it certainly might be that one system might hit a file with an invalid UID and effectively corrupt it.
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I don't have any control over the uids on the LDAP server I just point the machines at it. Houdini writes the file with the correct owner and group but the contents of the file is messed up and can't be opened by any user in linux or windows once it has been saved by a large uid user in linux.
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It should be fixed in tomorrow's build, 8.0.501. Thanks for the report!
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Just a heads up, Edward - he's running v7.


John Coldrick
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Ahh … hmm …
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Thanks for the fix! Any chance of getting a v7 build with it?

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