Polygon surface from grid of points/primitives

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This feels like it's a probably embarrassingly simple answer, but I'm still new to Houdini and it's not obvious to me.

I've got a spiral grid of points connected by lines (polygons? primitives?) that I want to have as a normal mesh, so I can extrude faces etc. The closest I've gotten to what I want is with a Triangulate2D, but that adds all of the additional triangles I'm trying to avoid instead of maintaining the nice quads I have now.

Polyfill/polycap/polybridge/skin don't seem to do what I'm looking for either.

What's the usual approach here?

spiralgrid.hip (121.8 KB)

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Well I seem to have figured it out, but it doesn't feel elegant. I made an edge group, then used a triangulate2d, the another edge group, then used a group combine to subtract them, then a dissolve sop to delete the difference group edges. Using a delete sop seemed to delete everything but the dissolve worked.
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Its probably cleaner to write such a pattern from scratch, but you could warp a grid into that shape (while removing overlaps with clean and fuse for the time being).

spiralgrid_VEX.hipnc (118.0 KB)

https://procegen.konstantinmagnus.de/ [procegen.konstantinmagnus.de]
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This is a bit rough in the fine bits, but might be good enough for your needs. I agree with the others, probably better to think of a way to construct this ‘properly’ out of primitives rather than try and get your clever-but-not-poly-friendly approach.

Enyhoo, convert line to make it lots of little single lines, fuse, polyexpand2d to convert this network of lines to a bunch of quads, facet to remove inline points, fuse.

spiralgrid_pe2d.hip (140.5 KB)

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