Milk Material with SSS?

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Does anyone have a Milk Material with Sub Surface Scattering?
I've tried the new SSS workflow, but get a lot of noise and flickering.
I have to revert to the old point cloud depreciated mode.
I'm trying to do cereal falling into a bowl of milk.

Any pointers on the new SSS workflow would be much appreciated.
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There aren't any pointers aside from “more samples.” I've found in testing the diffusion based PBRSSS takes between 300 and 6000 samples to converge to a low amount of noise, depending on scatter distance. I'm not sure why you are getting flickering, perhaps sample bias accumulating through the refraction bounces? Increasing pixel samples may help.

Expect long render times for high resolution low-noise images. The old shader based sss is an option some turn to, but you really lose out on a lot of important features for production such as variance anti-aliasing and per-light aovs. The quality of the old algorithm left a lot to be desired.

Some turn to uniform volume, but I would expect pretty decent render times there as well.

this was a 47 minute render with principled shader for milk and glass. There are some odd color shifts happening in the glass, as well as sample bias patterns in the noise.
Edited by jsmack - Sept. 20, 2018 03:23:04

Snap_1.jpg (138.6 KB) (77.7 KB)

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Cool! I'll check it out. Much thanks!
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This looks promising. I'll render a test on a flip fluid sim. Will let you know how it goes.
thanks again!
Edited by syntheticperson - Sept. 27, 2018 01:21:21
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