H18- Workflow when fracturing USD and export new USD layer

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Hi folks,

Wondering about a proper and efficient workflow when fracturing an USD and then overlaying the fractured USD as a sublayer in LOPS or exporting an USD layer directly from /geo SOPS to be read into other packages supporting USD.

Now, there's alot of new things to learn in H18, and I'll admit I've yet to understand all of the documentation on USD and Solaris/LOPS workflow, but so far I haven't found a good workflow when fracturing imported USD geo and exporting it back out as a sublayer, and I'm a bit confused. I may be blind and the solution may be right in front of me, in the docs. In that case please point me to the documentation for my dumb mind to read it properly and understand.

I followed the 5th USD tutorial(FX) in the documentation, but on the RBD part it only touched on simulating existing geo, and not do any sort of edits to the geometry. It was also mostly imported and exported as packed USDs. I watched all the talks and presentations I could find so far on Solaris and H18 (that came out prior to 27.11.19. The TDs go somewhat into the FX workflow for a USD based pipeline, jowever they only briefly touch on the RBD part. They don't really show any fracturing. Now it is explained that a fracture workflow was used on some buildings(in the H18 launch event vid), however that setup isn't shown in full detail.

I read through the Pixar USD documentation on exporting and overlaying fractured USDs. It explains that the “usdprimpath” is important to transfer to the inside of the fractured pieces before exporting. The USD export SOP node is a tad different in H18 and has alot more options to define the primitives when the USD will be read back in.

So a couple of questions:

1. What's an efficient way to read an USD, fracture it and export as a overlay USD layer to existing USD file in H18 with the new USDexport node in SOP.

2. If you pack the fractured pieces, do you need to promote certain usd primattribs to pointlevel, when exporting? How does names and path affect the export.

3. If you simulate it, whats an efficient way to export the geo pieces as one USD layer, and the pointcloud of your sim as a different USD layer that only export transforms?

4. Will there be a masterclass on RBD FX workflow with USD where fracturing, sim and export is covered?

Guess reading up on Primitive Definitions a couple more times wont hurt.
Wasn't any helpcards for “USDexport” in SOPS, however the documentation on “sopmodify” in LOPS mostly covers the same options.
In general, super excited about H18 and the SideFX team is beyond awesome.

Thanks in advance.

- Kvale
FX reel https://vimeo.com/523174378 [vimeo.com]
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Hi Kvale,

Its almost funny, but I'm looking for the same answer. As I was just going to ask the same question. I've more a lighting / lookdev background. So I'm not likely to be the person to solve this problem, but did you get any further in your investigations on this subject?

Thanks in advance, Dave
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Found this video today. Which goes into some detail into how to add a fractured RBD layer within the context of LOPS

https://vimeo.com/420540060 [vimeo.com]

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I haven’t gone through the fine details, but this might give some pointers too:

https://www.tokeru.com/cgwiki/index.php?title=HoudiniLops#RBD_to_lops_as_a_point_instancer [www.tokeru.com]
http://www.tokeru.com/cgwiki [www.tokeru.com]
https://www.patreon.com/mattestela [www.patreon.com]
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