Inverted boolean selection

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Joined: April 2019
Hello everyone!

I am not quite experienced with Houdini so apologise if my question might seem a bit obvious. I have this model with simple boolean fracture which I would like to invert but I can't figure out how. I have tried using a blast node but I don't exactly know how to do it and I am defo missing something.
Thank you in advance!

Capture27.PNG (674.0 KB)
Capture28.PNG (44.4 KB)

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right now, you've got A subtract B, right ?
simply change it to A intersect B
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I have tried that as well but I get random fragments of geometry

Capture29.PNG (111.4 KB)
Capture30.PNG (144.1 KB)

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Hard to say specifically without a posted hip…but from your pics I don't see you making use of Output Primitive Groups which can be specified in a delete node(include/exclude).

Maybe play around with that trying the different boolean operations to get what your after.
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here's an extremely simple case to help you visualise the effect. Always use extremely simple setup to test anything.

So if you toggle between subtract and intersect, you'll see immediately the effect.

In your case, because your cathedral could be a very complexed model made up of floor, columns, walls, windows, arches…etc…etc…It is not ONE watertight model that booleans nicely.

As mentioned above, it's hard to decipher your problem without the file. Maybe after you merged in your cathedral, run a (default) boolean on that by itself to remove any self intersections and hopefully you get a ‘nicer’ homogenous model to then use in your next boolean with the spheres.

vu_invertBool.hiplc (222.2 KB)

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here's an illustration of the scattered, not nice, geometry.

With the 1st boolean disabled, you see all the little pieces lying on top of each other, enable the 1st boolean and you'll see the overlapping edges disappear

vu_invertBool2.hiplc (84.5 KB)

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