Making smoke staying within animated object & colliding with it

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Hello, guys!

I would appreciate your guidance or help in solving the riddle I am facing. Most likely I am missing something obvious, but anyway.

I am trying to fill an animated .abc object with smoke. I've created the "Bound" node and tried feeding it into "Smoke Object" size via bbox function(screen 1 shows it). To make collisions, I used another "Volume Source" and used "Collision" instead of "Source Smoke" and fed "VDB From Polygons node" with the "Distance VDB" object into it (screen 2).

Unfortunately, I can't make smoke collide with initial geo and stay within its boundaries as it seems to ignore it completely.

I tried other methods of collusion such as using "Deforming Object", but they seem to be incredibly slow to work with.

Please let me know how to make smoke collide with the object I need with this method. In case there are other cool and responsive methods for doing it, I would appreciate you letting me know about it.

Thank you in advance
Edited by heyiamopia - May 26, 2021 10:45:33

Screenshot_1.jpg (359.8 KB)
Screenshot_2.jpg (332.8 KB)
HAND.hiplc (1.6 MB) (9.1 MB)

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Here is an older scene repurposed using your animated hand alembic. You can use it as is or as a reference to rebuild with using the newer nodes.
Edited by Enivob - May 26, 2021 12:30:11

smoke_hand.gif (1.1 MB)
ap_smoke_inside_collision_volume_052521.hiplc (1.8 MB)

Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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Amazing, thank you! I will give it a shot
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