OCIO/ACES - Color Picker Ignoring Color Spaces

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I'm setting up an ACES workflow across multiple apps and I'm having an issue with the color picker in Houdini not doing any color conversion at all, instead just passing the numeric value through to Redshift.

Attached are some examples comparing the behavior of Substance Painter and Houdini/Redshift, both using the same config.ocio.
The config is a slightly modified version of Redshift's (v2 config).

There are 2 tests, 1 setting the value through the color picker, another loading a texture.
There are no lights in the scene, just a plane with an emissive shader.

I'm using the un-tone-mapped view on both.

Test 1 - Color Picker:
See how Substance Painter converts 0.5 linear grey to 0.214 ACEScg, resulting in a 0.5 grey in the un-tone-mapped view.
However in Houdini when picking a 0.5 grey in the picker, there is no conversion regardless of the input space selected, the value is passed as 0.5 to Redshift resulting in a value of 0.73 in the un-tone-mapped view.

Test 2 - Texture (sRGB):
On the second test, when using a 0.5 grey texture (sRGB) instead, both applications result in a 0.5 grey value in the un-tone-mapped view.

I'm assuming this is a bug in Houdini but just wanted to see if you're all experiencing the same behaviour.

T1-houdini_aces_picker.jpg (120.9 KB)
T1-sp_aces_picker.jpg (69.8 KB)
T2-houdini_aces_text-ure.jpg (86.6 KB)
T2-sp_aces_texture.jpg (27.9 KB)

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The numerical values are always passed as-is to the underlying parameter. The color space conversions are only for the eyedropper sampling of screen pixels. I know it seems like it should convert input since it says right there, 'input space', but that has no effect that I've seen.
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