Vellum with multi solver ?

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Hi guys, I'm doing a shot where I have some crowd simulation and I wanted to make a agent falls on a vellum balloon, I have the simulation of the guy (ragdoll setup multisolver with crowdsolver bullet rbd solver and ragdoll constraints) and I would like to add vellum to this simulation, but I want the falling body to interact with the vellum ground an the other way around. I dont know if it is possible because I only found tutorials using vellum shape match instead of real multisolver with vellum.
For now I made a setup where a falling rbd object interact with a vellum simulation but it's only in one way, like depending on the multisolver input sort the vellum interact on the rbd or the rbd interact on the vellum...
Thanks in advance!
The setup I have :

Capture d’écran 2023-07-20 152156.png (46.2 KB)

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Check out using Grains to form-fit an object so it can behave like a rigid in Vellum. Here is a good video example of how to do that. You may have already seen this. in which case, apologies. []

Keep it all in Vellum.
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Yes, unfortunately this is a limitation. RBD / Vellum solvers can only solve one-way interactions. I am not aware of any way around that. As the post above notes there are ways to hack vellum to do what you want, either packing grains or using the matchshape type in place of RBD, so you can keep everything in vellum.

I'm sure this is something that SideFX is working on, but there will always be a limit to interactions in their current form since the solvers rely on such different methods of calculating their changes over time.
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Maybe this setup from the examples can be helpful? Only works if you don't need a strong coupling between the solvers: []
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