Disable "specular" in voxel in fluid guide geometr

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For some unknown reason there are specular highlights in the, for example temperature 2D guide geometry. That seams like a really bad idea since they do nothing more than make it impossible to view the guide geometry from certain angles.

Is it possible to change or is this considered to be a bug/feature?
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This has been mentioned before; everyone finds this a little frustrating. SESI should definitely be assigning a constant shader to the Plane visualizations.

In any case, as a work-around you can hit ‘d’ and bring up the Display Options and in the last page, turn off Specular highlights for everything.
Jason Iversen, Technology Supervisor & FX Pipeline/R+D Lead @ Weta FX
also, http://www.odforce.net [www.odforce.net]
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In any case, as a work-around you can hit ‘d’ and bring up the Display Options and in the last page, turn off Specular highlights for everything.

Oh yeah, I forgot that. Thanks. Let's hope SESI looks into this in the near future.
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