Tutorial Poll

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Joined: March 2009
Hi everybody.

If you were to decide what the next tutorial for Houdini is going to be, what would you choose?

I myself would like general tutors on Shops and Chops.
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Joined: July 2005
I'd certainly like a list to go with my own. Shops? certainly.
Have you bought Andrew Lowell's ebook on chops? It is very thorough and worth the price.
It's listed in the learning materials, near the bottom.
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I would very much like to see anything that ends up beeing “production ready”, im not saying the tutorials out there are bad. Just saying it would be nice to see a “real” project as a tutorial.
Something that would take you through several parts of Houdini, ending up in something amazingly good looking and cool.
And helps you guide through the pitfalls of and “wops” of taking something from idea to the screen.

Well that's just a idea, hope you like it


Personal Houdini test videos, http://vimeo.com/magnusl3d/ [vimeo.com]
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There's already a Tutorials Poll thread here:
http://forums.odforce.net/index.php?/topic/6522-tutorials-poll/ [forums.odforce.net]
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Rigging. Although I made some good progress with it recently, and I now think it is actually extremely good, there is very little for beginners out there.
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Joined: Feb. 2009
for me, i would like a advanced modeling tutorial !! or why not a tutorials for animation !!
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