Delayed load+micropolygon rendering=High memory usage

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Joined: Jan. 2008
Hello, I have a problem,
I'am using delayed load shader and point instancing (see screenshot)
While rendering engine set to Micropolygon memory usage goes high without any memory optimizations. In raytracing mode it's all right.
So question: Is it possible to merge micropolygon rendering and delayed load shader to get right memory usage?

for_sidefx.jpg (131.9 KB)

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2597 posts
Joined: July 2005
Hello, I have a problem,
I'am using delayed load shader and point instancing (see screenshot)
While rendering engine set to Micropolygon memory usage goes high without any memory optimizations. In raytracing mode it's all right.
So question: Is it possible to merge micropolygon rendering and delayed load shader to get right memory usage?

Try turning off the “share geometry” flag. By sharing geometry, mantra needs to keep the file in memory for future references.

Oh, and if you are doing any ray tracing (shadows, reflections, GI, etc.), then mantra keeps the instances in memory.
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