writing obj to disk

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I still have trouble in writing animated objs to disk (bgeo format).
Can you explain further ?
I tried to follow the instruction from houdini help posted.
I still do not know how to write to bgeo and to import them back to houdini scene. Would you help me further?

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I still have trouble in writing animated objs to disk (bgeo format).
Can you explain further ?
I tried to follow the instruction from houdini help posted.
I still do not know how to write to bgeo and to import them back to houdini scene. Would you help me further?


Inside the SOP network, place down a ROP Output Driver and connect the end of your chain into it's input. In the driver, specify the location of where you want to save your files (ie. /somewhere/mygeo.$F.bgeo) … make sure to use $F so it evaluates the data each frame. Additionally, specify the frame range you want then hit the ‘Render’ button.

Place down a File SOP and specify the path to where the files were saved … again making sure to use the $F variable. Make sure to toggle on the display/render flags of the File SOP.

Digital Supervisor | Stargate Studios Toronto
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I have two attached objs.
when i did use the ROP for each obj i have to combine those attached again.
it's a little inconvenient.
Are there any way i can do both objs at the same time?

And I can not render from that. I see error sign on the Mantra node in the network whenever i tried. can you help me please?
thank you very much.

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If you want to get one object of these, use a cookie-SOP and turn on union.
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How can i connect two objs in two separate sop networks?
Can you help me further how i can use cookie sop for two separate objs in separate sop network ?

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There is no way to merge two SOP-Networks together. You need to move the Geometry to one SOP-Network. I personally have given it up soon, to keep all clean in separate Networks. Sure, you can reference Geo with Channel-SOP, but that's not what you want.
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You could use a Object MergeSOP to import the geometry in to one object, and then using the MergeSOP You can combine them.That should do the trick.
maybe posting a exampel with the problematic scene would help to track down You problem

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I followed your instruction. I could merge two obj in the sop network using ObjMerge sop Transform set to into this obj to bring in the other obj.
However, i see warning in the merge sop saying “ Mismatch of attributes on the input detected”
And, after i import the bgeo file of the two obj merged in the new Houdini
i can not render at all even the default one. Can you help me further please ? I did copy the same shop node into the new Houdini.

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As said, please give more inside of what you want at all! The warning you see is not necessarily important.
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Hi again,

Here is the dummy file for your review (Attached).
I was trying to write this file to disk with bgeo format.
I could write this to disk. But, I can not render after i import this file back to houdini.
Would you please take a look and help me to render this.
Thank you very much again.


DUMMY_For_Bgeo.hipnc (1.1 MB)
DUMMY_For_Bgeo.hipnc (1.1 MB)

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So, after writing and loading the .bgeo I can say, that it's rendering exactly the same as before. The only thing I'm missing logically are the textures. As I don't have the problem, I can not analyse it. Sorry.
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My bgeo file size changed to 12 Mb from 1.6 Mb of the original hip file.
I wonder because the enormous file size change causes some problem preventing rendering. Can any one help me ?

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My bgeo file size changed to 12 Mb from 1.6 Mb of the original hip file.
I wonder because the enormous file size change causes some problem preventing rendering. Can any one help me ?


Like LFX, I was able to render the exact same thing before & after writing the geometry (sans textures). I don't understand what you mean between the two file sizes.

The only thing I can see that might cause issues is at the merge2 node. The wings have uv & shop_material attributes but the body doesn't. Try adding some to the body then merge and see what happens.

Good luck.

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Thank you very much.
I have been stuck here for several days with my project.

Before i write to disk with bgeo format, my hip file size was 1.6 mb.
After i write two objs to disk the bgeo file size becomes 12 mb.
I wonder why the bgeo file size is much bigger than the original hip file size from which i wrote the two objs to disk using bgeo format.

Secondly, Can you show me how i can include shop nodes and material node of the body to bgeo format.

I used object merge shop to bring in the other shop network for the body and then use merge shop to combine them together. then ROP Output driver to write them on disk with bgeo format. Afetr i import the bgeo file i realized the file size is much bigger than the original hip file. May be that's why i can not render it.
Can you help me please. Thank you very much.

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First, let's clear some things up. The size difference you're referring to is the hipfile size - not the bgeo size. There is a difference. That being said, Houdini is known to occassionally become bloated … increase in size dramatically. There is a way to fix this but that's another thread. Having a hipfile of 12Mb is not that large so I doubt that is causing your render problems.

btw. when you say you can't render do you mean that mantra refuses to start or you're getting black images?

Second, to add uv & shop_material attributes just simply use UVTexture SOP & material SOP respectively before merging with the wings.


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Thank you very much.

12Mb is the size of bgeo file not the hip file(1.6 mb).
Mantra is not starting at all nor with the Default Mantra.

Second, to add uv & shop_material attributes just simply use UVTexture SOP & material SOP respectively before merging with the wings.

Do you mean the UVTexture SOP & material SOP for Body ?
which brought in using Obj Merge SOP ? before merging with wings ?

Thank you so much again for helping me.

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Before i write to disk with bgeo format, my hip file size was 1.6 mb.
After i write two objs to disk the bgeo file size becomes 12 mb.
I wonder why the bgeo file size is much bigger than the original hip file size from which i wrote the two objs to disk using bgeo format.
The size of the .bgeo file has very little to do with the size of the .hip file. Unless you have locked SOPs (that actually store geometry), SOPs in Houdini only pass through geometry. You can take a cube, copy it 100,000 times, the .bgeo file will get quite big but the .hip file stays small, as all it is storing is the procedure (SOP chain) for taking one cube and multiplying it 100,000 times.
Antoine Durr
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Antoine Durr
Before i write to disk with bgeo format, my hip file size was 1.6 mb.
After i write two objs to disk the bgeo file size becomes 12 mb.
I wonder why the bgeo file size is much bigger than the original hip file size from which i wrote the two objs to disk using bgeo format.
The size of the .bgeo file has very little to do with the size of the .hip file. Unless you have locked SOPs (that actually store geometry), SOPs in Houdini only pass through geometry. You can take a cube, copy it 100,000 times, the .bgeo file will get quite big but the .hip file stays small, as all it is storing is the procedure (SOP chain) for taking one cube and multiplying it 100,000 times.

Can you or anyone help me how to write correctly two obj in sop including shop to disk and render it. Two objs are attached in he scene level and animated together. but, the two objs are in different sop network with separate material shop. (Please see the attached dummy file)
I'd appreciate your help because my project is stuck for a few weeks due to this problem, unable to render after i import the 12mb bgeo obj back to new houdini.

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Can you or anyone help me how to write correctly two obj in sop including shop to disk and render it. Two objs are attached in he scene level and animated together. but, the two objs are in different sop network with separate material shop. (Please see the attached dummy file)
I'd appreciate your help because my project is stuck for a few weeks due to this problem, unable to render after i import the 12mb bgeo obj back to new houdini.
Have you tried a Mantra ROP? Typically you use one of these, turn on the objects you want to render, set the render flags appropriately on the SOP chains, and hit ‘render’ on the Mantra ROP. This will send an IFD file to the renderer Mantra. Alternatively you can click on the ‘write ifd’ button (in the Mantra ROP) and save the .ifd file for later rendering (it will contain all the geometry and shader info necessary to render your frame).
Antoine Durr
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I tried ROP Output Driver SOP, to write file to disk with bgeo format.
Still, i can not render after i import the bgeo file to a new houdini.
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