It's work when I use houdini 17.5.
Is it a Houdini 18 bug?
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Technical Discussion » H18 vex array problem
- XiangYu
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Technical Discussion » When can I download Houdini 18 ?
- XiangYu
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Technical Discussion » How to use new PDG maya server node?
- XiangYu
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I want to know how PDG could start a Maya session?I use it directly and it failed.Seems it
can not find the maya application…Any suggest?
can not find the maya application…Any suggest?
Technical Discussion » Whitehairs problem in Houdini 17
- XiangYu
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The same problem to me.
The reason is that it set the whitehair attribute of all prim to 1.You could set a custom whitehair attribute before the guidemask and set value to 1.Houdini will force refresh this attribute.
But I think it's a little bug.Hope SideFX will fix it.
The reason is that it set the whitehair attribute of all prim to 1.You could set a custom whitehair attribute before the guidemask and set value to 1.Houdini will force refresh this attribute.
But I think it's a little bug.Hope SideFX will fix it.
Technical Discussion » H17 Lauch Presentation Scene Files?
- XiangYu
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Technical Discussion » RBD Material Fracture for surface/thin shell?
- XiangYu
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Technical Discussion » H17 Lauch Presentation Scene Files?
- XiangYu
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I am a Houdini enthusiast. I want to ask if the demo hip file in the lauch presentation can be downloaded? I am very interested in that lion hair. I hope to hear from you.
I am a Houdini enthusiast. I want to ask if the demo hip file in the lauch presentation can be downloaded? I am very interested in that lion hair. I hope to hear from you.
Technical Discussion » Hair Masterclass files?
- XiangYu
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No problem - here's that rubbertoy scene.
I disabled some file caches to makes sure there are no external dependencies.
You should run the two File Cache SOPs in /obj/blob_geo/sim. These are for the FEM simulation and for generating the deforming collision VDB.
In 16.5 your sim looks strange.No change of anything and start sim.Why is that?
Technical Discussion » How to sim rbd object and cloth object to affect each other?
- XiangYu
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Technical Discussion » 【HELP】magic energy look effect
- XiangYu
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moogtasticThank you very much!It works.
I would experiment layering Worley cellular noise multiplied to the density of a spherical volume, use that density as input to a fire intensity field in a Pyro shader and play with the ramp values. Looks like there's some nice depth based color effects, maybe use the gradient of a VDB volume as a way to modify color and intensity inside the volume
But I can't get some sharp glow lines like the picture…
Technical Discussion » 【HELP】magic energy look effect
- XiangYu
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I could make lines like this but the material is really a trouble.Any advice to render like this?
Technical Discussion » concurrently render a single frame use HQUEUE
- XiangYu
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Technical Discussion » generate millions particles at rendertime
- XiangYu
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Jonathan Moore2
I don't have time to create an example for you but if you follow this tutorial on wedging pyro sims the methodology is exactly the same for particles. The wedging stuff kicks in around the 16 minute mark. It's simply a matter of referencing back into your particle network from your Wedge node and referencing the seed on the emitter. If you've set up the wedge correctly it will automatically cache out the number of cache wedges you require whilst ensuring the seed is changed on each cache wedge. A Wedge isn't a special type of cache is simply Houdini nomenclature for the process in much the same way that Thinkbox refer to cache iterations as Partitions.
Thanks for your tutorial!Which is really useful.
So now the trouble is that when I wedge a particle sim 10 times and then I read the cache to render.It's very unconvenient to read them one by one.Is there a way to quickly read all the wedge sim?
Technical Discussion » generate millions particles at rendertime
- XiangYu
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Jonathan Moore2
Having researched HEngine: Point Generation a little more it seems it's main benefit is that you can use Houdini Engine licenses on Mantra network nodes. I've personally never liked render time point generation multipliers and I've tried them in XSI ICE, Krakatoa and Houdini. Partitioning/Wedging always produces more natural results. Splitting your cache files into manageable chunks aids data IO too.
Thank you very much and I will test Wedging method
Could you give some your particle wedging hip files for me?I'm having trouble to do this effects using particles:
Technical Discussion » generate millions particles at rendertime
- XiangYu
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Modern version of point replicate procedural is HEngine: Point Generation []
Could you please give some example files?
Technical Discussion » generate millions particles at rendertime
- XiangYu
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Do you know a method to generate millions of particles at rendertime given a low number of particles? what I mean is trying to duplicate particles or make others particles that follow the motion of surrounding particles, but without display them in viewport, and generate only at rendertime. much like krakatoa, but in houdini.
I know a way to use “point replicate” shader but I think it's now out of date…
Do you know a method to generate millions of particles at rendertime given a low number of particles? what I mean is trying to duplicate particles or make others particles that follow the motion of surrounding particles, but without display them in viewport, and generate only at rendertime. much like krakatoa, but in houdini.
I know a way to use “point replicate” shader but I think it's now out of date…
Technical Discussion » Houdini hair with very near camera
- XiangYu
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I'm using Houdini 16 hair and fur tool to simulate very near camera woman hairs.But it's very hard to add enough detail because of the camera is really close to the hair.Anyone have some good methods to fix that?
I'm using Houdini 16 hair and fur tool to simulate very near camera woman hairs.But it's very hard to add enough detail because of the camera is really close to the hair.Anyone have some good methods to fix that?
Technical Discussion » Mantra GPU? Low processors usage in CPU
- XiangYu
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May I ask you a question?SideFX support page said openCL only support 1 GPU card.Your 8 GPU could work really?
Technical Discussion » Render queue or batch render.
- XiangYu
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You could use “Houdini Command Line Tool” in your start menus on Windows.
print “hbatch” to initialize Houdini batch script.
For example:
mread /XX/xx.hip
render -V mantra1 mantra2
mread /XX/xx2.hip
render -V mantra2
Save this in a txt file.Drag into the command window to start it.Be sure to use “/” in your path instead of “\”.
print “hbatch” to initialize Houdini batch script.
For example:
mread /XX/xx.hip
render -V mantra1 mantra2
mread /XX/xx2.hip
render -V mantra2
Save this in a txt file.Drag into the command window to start it.Be sure to use “/” in your path instead of “\”.
Technical Discussion » HQUEUE trouble:Can't install houdini onto the windows based shared folder for linux HQUEUE clinet."symlink not supported"error
- XiangYu
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Oh I see. Strange that the installer doesn't recognize those symlink options. They were definitely added in Houdini 16.0.
How about trying this workaround instead:
- Run the Houdini installer and install Houdini to a local directory on the Linux machine.
- Then from a terminal, copy the local Houdini distro to the Windows shared folder in a way where symbolic links are resolved and not preserved. I think passing the-RL
flags to the copy command would do the trick. For example,cp -RL /path/to/local/hfs16.0.ZZZ /path/to/windows/shared/folder/hfs16.0.ZZZ
Thank you very very very much!!!It works!!!!
I don't know why it prints words
“cp: cannot create directory ‘/mnt/hq/b/b/toolkit/include/DAE’: File exists
cp: cannot create directory ‘/mnt/hq/b/b/toolkit/include/FBX’: File exists”
when I use your code but it works for HQUEUE linux client!Thank you soooooooo much!
Hopefully SideFX could fix the code which the symlink options doesn't works.
But thank you again.It bothered me for a long time.
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