What happened to my viewport tumbling method?

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I've been using houdini for a while now, and I'm used to a certain way of viewport tumbling. I always used the “Standard Houdini Tumbling” in the 3d viewports main preferences.

Now in recent builds, it seems that standard houdini tumbling behaves the same way as “Classic houdini tumbling”. Can anyone else verify this?

whenever I orbit the view from an overhead angle, I always end up below the model now, instead of on the other side. Its a little frustrating to navigate this way, and I hope to have my old viewport tumbling back.

Thanks everyone!
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9.1.138 works as expected.
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I just tried changing it again to 80's euler, and after some initial really strange tilting behavior it seems to have worked itself out. I don't know what the problem was, but for a few days none of the viewport methods gave me familiar results. Thanks for double checking though!
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Jason Iversen, Technology Supervisor & FX Pipeline/R+D Lead @ Weta FX
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