Air Bubbles in Liquid

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I want to emit some air bubbles from an object inside a liquid.
In houdini 9 sneak peek I have seen the same effect. So I know that it is possible in houdini.
I think they have used SDF fluid for it.
I tried using sink object with SDF fluid. It created a bubble inside the fluid.
But the bubble doesn't travel up, as it should. Does anybody know how to do it???
I tried using pump object, but the whole fluid gets affected and moves up.
iamjaideep80 (Jaideep Khadilkar)
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you probably want to advect particles using your fluid sim. Dont have 9.5 in front of me right now but I think there is a shelf button for it.

Also, CmiVfx has a dvd that covers fluids and bubbles.

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