Point Cloud missing custom point attribute?

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Hey Everybody,

I have a geometry with a custom point attribute “name” (created by a voronoi fracture SOP). I want to write out a point cloud file of my geometry, but when I read the .pc file back in, the “name” attribute is missing.

I've looked at the pcwrite node in VOPs, but it only takes two input channels, and I'm going to need at least three (P, v, and “name”).

Any ideas how I can write out three channels to a point cloud file?

point_cloud_custom_attribute.zip (18.3 KB)

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problem solved!

For anyone interested: the solution that ended up working was to use a File node, writing out a sequence of bgeo files, rather than .pc files.

Then, using the PointCloudOpen node, I just referenced the cached out bgeo sequence and used a PointCloudFilter node.

Still don't know why the other attributes weren't showing up in the .pc file, but .bgeo works just fine.

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Point clouds don't like string attributes.
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