Uv Space Change Node

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Ok.. I've been stuck with this for a while:

Where can I find this node??

http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini12.1/nodes/vop/uvspacechg [sidefx.com]

Im working in a displacement shader builder node, and I just cant seem to find this node. I can see this node in a Houdini Ocean Toolkit scene; I'm dissecting an old HOT displacement shader for research step by step, not sure what version of houdini it is.

So I tought it might been changed in Houdini 12.. I tought it was the transform VEX but its not 100% the same thing if I'm correct.

I can copy paste this node from the Houdini Ocean Toolkit scene like I talked before but I also wanna know where to get it myself!

Thanks in advance!
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It looks like that node's been hidden by default. In a texport type
opunhide Vop uvspacechg

and then you should be able to create it with the tab menu.

You can run ophide in a textport to see a list of hidden nodes. Most of these have been deprecated in favor of other nodes. I'd guess the transform vop is recommended in place of uv space change.
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It's probably been hidden because it was deprecated. Have you tried the transform VOP? It's does space conversions as well, just not sure if all the types of conversion (texture for example), but I'm sure it does, world, camera, NDC and object.
Worth a shot!

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I will check the Transform VOP once again when I get home and see if I get it to work the way I want it to..
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Ok everything seems to be working properly thanks!

But I dont really know understand why.. so heres the situation:

In the old UV Space Change node I am going from, Object Space –> World Space
With the new Transform VEX that turned out to be Current Space –> World Space (Object Space –> World Space does not work the same way with Transform VEX)

I can still live with this..
So a few nodes ahead I will need to change from spaces again..

Old node says: Object Space to World Space
New node only working option: World Space to Current Space (Object Space to World Space does not seem to work like you would expect)

So I'm still happy that everything is working properly now.. but I want to know why it works.. I hope anyone has any ideas on this?

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