used Attributes

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how can figure out in wich node or channel is a specific attribute used?
A ready to use script would be fine :-) cause I dont believe in favour there is an existing node

Thanks in advance
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Joined: July 2005
We are talking about SOPs. Attributes are bound to the geometry. I believe the question you are asking is given a specific named attribute, which SOPs can index that attribute and read-write to it.

I don't know if there is a straight forward answer to that question. What I can offer is that there are a whole bunch of SOPs that work with point attributes, a few work with vertex attributes, some work with Primitive attributes and then there are those that work with two or three of the above.

It is common to promote an attribute as needed for a specific SOP. For example it is common to promote vertex uv's to point uv's for use with VOP SOPs.

If you want to know what SOPs can take advantage of which local attributes, you need to look at the SOP's help card. Look for the Local Variables section.

In H12, if you start typing a $ in any of the parameter fields for a SOP that uses local attributes, you should get a tool tip with all the local available attributes. But this requires you put down a SOP first.

I find it better to focus on the operators themselves and just treat the attributes as a property of the geometry that can be used and abused in your SOP network.

If you can articulate better what it is you want, that would help.
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