tbbmalloc.dll_unloaded crash in Windows

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I've got a question for Windows users (I almost never use Houdini under Windows, usually Linux or OS X): has anyone encountered a tbbmalloc.dll_unloaded crash when launching Houdini, but Houdini still launches and (as far as I can tell) runs fine?

I thought it might be Houdini related after reading the FLIP-tbbmalloc-Windows thread, but turns out it's not. I've run every Windows update, and installed every Visual C++ Runtime I can see, but nothing's fixed it so far. Any ideas?

I'm o.d.d.
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Hmm ,:? I suggest you to use Linux version ,I have some other problems on the windows ,Memory management on the Windows is really poor :?

However ,check this Topic ,Maybe it can be help you :

http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&t=30531&highlight=tbbmalloc [sidefx.com]
https://www.youtube.com/c/sadjadrabiee [www.youtube.com]
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I wish I could use Linux, but on this particular computer I can't. The graphics card gets throttled by powermizer to only run at 73Mhz, so viewing things is awfully frustrating. Been trying all combinations of flavors, kernels, settings, org.conf, and drivers; and nothing will run at full speed.

But I'll try that solution from the FLIP thread; I hadn't thought they would be related at all. Thanks!
I'm o.d.d.
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I wish I could use Linux, but on this particular computer I can't. The graphics card gets throttled by powermizer to only run at 73Mhz, so viewing things is awfully frustrating. Been trying all combinations of flavors, kernels, settings, org.conf, and drivers; and nothing will run at full speed.

But I'll try that solution from the FLIP thread; I hadn't thought they would be related at all. Thanks!

I just curious to know What is your VGA and Linux distribution !? :?
https://www.youtube.com/c/sadjadrabiee [www.youtube.com]
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The solution from the previous thread doesn't seem to work in this case. But it was worth trying

The computer is an HP Z1, the card is a GTX 670M. I've tried it with Fedora 19/20, Ubuntu 13.04/13.10 (and Xubuntu versions of those), and CentOS 6.4/6.5. Viewing only moderately dense volumes/geometry was terrible - which made sense when I realized the card was being throttled.

CentOS “shouldn't” have problems, since RHEL is what HP supports on the Z1. The 670M is not on their supported list (Quadros only), but I've seen the problem from another Z1 user, with a Quadro. If you're curious, here is the thread: https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/608043/hp-z1-with-nvidia-3000m-having-extremely-bad-performance/?offset=15 [devtalk.nvidia.com]. It's on Nvidias radar, but haven't heard if/when it'll get more than a bug number. Probably not soon, since relatively few are encountering it.
I'm o.d.d.
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I had some problem about my hardware too ,(Fedora15 , 19 , Ubuntu 12,13)
Finally I installed Mint15 without any problem ,(I know Mint is Ubuntu Base)

my hardware working good and my viewport on Houdini , Maya working really fast with all of the High Quality Features (GL 3 on Houdini , Viewport2 on Maya).

Also the Mint know some of my hardware by default without installing special drivers ,(Just I had some little problem with ATI ,But nVidia works prefect)

So test Mint ,Maybe it's work good for you too :?

I tested a simple Flip Simulation on both Mint and Win7 :
RAM usage on Win7 : 9GB
RAM usage on Mint : 6GB
Also I tested reading time for Big Files and Caches :
Reading Files from SSD drive (ex4 on Mint) something about 2 times faster than SSD drive(ntfs on Win7) !!!
https://www.youtube.com/c/sadjadrabiee [www.youtube.com]
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