Python: Cloth - Membrane

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Hello everybody,

I am very new to Houdini and have two short but rather specific questions:

1. Is there a way to control the cloth functionality via python?

2. I would like to simulate a membrane type of material. Is a type of restlength parameter to let a cloth object shrink and receive something like a spring-based relaxation?

Thank you very much in advanced!
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Use a SOP Solver and you have the full arsenal of SOPs, include python-based ones for controlling the attributes that drive the cloth solver. Check out the FEM master class which is very similar to the cloth solver as well. The generic SOP Solver techniques apply to cloth as well as FEM. []
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Thank you very much! One more question: Which tutorial would you recommend me to learn the differences between SOP, COP, VOP, VEX, etc. :?
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I'm probably not the best person to ask since I just learn by osmosis. Check out this link if you haven't already: []
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