Questions about dynamic UI generation

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1. I was wondering how I could build a float or integer UI slider (for a HDA) that has a different range, based on script and or nodes inside the HDA.
(So for example, if a geo inside my HDA has 5 primitives, the slider goes from 0 to 4, but not higher. And if the geo randomly has 6 primitives instead, the slider goes from 0 to 5, but not higher.)

2. Similarly I was wondering how to expand this concept to whole folder structures of parameters. For example, the user inputs a NURBS curve of arbitrary lenght and the UI creates 3 different vector 3 parameters (like pos, N and up) for each control vertex on the Curve.

3. In the scenario described in question 2: Would I be able to create the initial values of these vectors from the input and then feed that back into the procedure if the user makes changes to these parameters (or the original curve)?
And would that be possible to do in real-time?

4. My guess is this stuff would only work via python scripting and certainly not with Houdini Engine… Am I wrong?

5. Is there any considertion to make parameters more scriptable? Like, for example, the option to put expression functions into the upper and lower limit fields of a float or integer slider.
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