Volume Feather with Cloud FX

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I am learning about Houdini volumes. I created a cloud FX and added a Volume Feather node, but I am not sure how to make it fade the edges of my volume.

I assumed that the group should be set to 0, but there does not seem to be any effect. Any thoughts?

Is there some other way to fade the edges of a volume? I want the edges to fade into the background.


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from the Houdini Help here we have:
This node (Volume Feather) currently only works with standard Houdini volumes. It does not work with VDBs.
if you dive into cloud fx node you will see this node is using VDB for creating cloud effect, hens Volume Feather node not work with cloud fx node.
but for controlling amount of density (in edges of cloud for fading into background and cloud kernel) go to density tab of your cloud node and playing with density ramp until you get desirable look.
see project file for more info.

Edge Dissipations.hip (199.7 KB)

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Thanks so much for the reply! I've been playing around with the file and found that I can plug in custom geo as the source object and plug it also into the group node so that inner and outer groups are created based on that. It seems to work quite well.

The only thing I would like to do is somehow fade the density from outer to inner so that all the outer points gradually fade out instead of having a single density value. It seems that attribute transfer would help with this, but I a uncertain how to set it up.

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