Houdini Engine for Maya 2016 broken: Bitfrost : WORKAROUND

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This post was moved from the Houdini Technology forum to here.

Tried to load simple hda in Maya, resulted in hang, crash etc. It worked in build 393 and Maya 2016 SP5 ext 1. Does not work with Houdini 15.0.441. Tried on two different machines including reinstalling Maya and Houdini. I submitted report to SESI with simple ball grid asset example.


I have tracked this down to be one of the Maya core plugins. I will update this post when I find out the Maya core plugin that is causing the problem. I was able to get Houdini Engine to work after disabling all the Maya plugins.

The problem is the Maya Bitfrost plugin is incompatible with Houdini Engine for Maya 2016 ext 1 SP5 and SP6. If bitfrost is loaded and Houdini engine is loaded, if you try to load a houdini asset Maya hangs, crashes or the Houdini engine becomes infinitely stuck in the asset loading process.

Testing was done on Mac OS.


Update: this bug is a load sequence dependency bug. If you load houdini engine first and then bitfrost, loading an HDA proceeds correctly. If you reverse the procedure and load bitfrost first and then houdini, Maya hangs and must be terminated. This was tested on Mac OS.

WORKAROUND: Use hars houdini engine thin client. Start hars without any arguments. Then, load and unload houdini engine with settings set to socket defaults.


Lars Wood
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Similar to the other post [sidefx.com]. This is likely due to library and symbol conflicts. Also, note that this issue is also very sensitive to the actual platform/OS. It's very possible that this only happens on OS X, or even specific versions of OS X.

These type of issues should go away once Maya has better support for Houdini Engine's thin client. Support is technically there already, but it involves some manual work to use. The Engine server has to be started/managed manually:
http://www.sidefx.com/docs/hengine2.0/_h_a_p_i__sessions.html#HAPI_Sessions_Thrift_Server [sidefx.com]
Andrew / アンドリュー
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Similar to the other post [sidefx.com]. This is likely due to library and symbol conflicts. Also, note that this issue is also very sensitive to the actual platform/OS. It's very possible that this only happens on OS X, or even specific versions of OS X.

These type of issues should go away once Maya has better support for Houdini Engine's thin client. Support is technically there already, but it involves some manual work to use. The Engine server has to be started/managed manually:
http://www.sidefx.com/docs/hengine2.0/_h_a_p_i__sessions.html#HAPI_Sessions_Thrift_Server [sidefx.com]

Yes, same stuff, different smell: https://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&p=197077#197077 [sidefx.com]

In process servers are bad. Like picking up hitch hikers on FBI most wanted list, don't do it. :wink:


Lars Wood
Future Vision Guide
Advanced Research And Development
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