VOP SOP maybe?

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From a C4d background. The image is a very basic level of what we would use xpresso for. In this example the rotation of the handle is asked to operate the position of the sphere. But not just a copy/past of relative reference, but a range from the handle rotation that is converted to a different range on the Sphere's position.

Can this sort of thing be done with VOP, or another visual network in Houdini? Are channel expressions my only option?

Edited by tranasaurus - Jan. 30, 2017 15:27:50

xpresso example.jpg (221.9 KB)

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You can do pretty much the same with VOPs, I believe a range mapper in C4D is the equivalent to a fit range in H.
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I would greatly appreciate if someone could point me to a resource that would show this type of physical manipulation being layed out in VOPs.
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fit(ch(“../geo1/rx”),0,360,0,1) in the tx channel?
Edited by Jim Rutherford - Jan. 30, 2017 17:47:04
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Hey I was a bit bored so I mashed something together. I reckon this task would have to be way more suited for chops but I have no idea how to use that (other than adding noise and stuff)…

Hopefully this is what you were after! I am just animating a single point with an attribute VOP then creating an expression on the transform of the box that gets the position to that animated point.
Just grab the handle and rotate. There are exposed max/min parameters on the att vop.

Anyway, there's probably a better way but maybe posting this up here will horify someone enough that they post a better solution


AttVOPThingy.hiplc (209.7 KB)

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Hehe, more messing around
Edited by peteski - Jan. 31, 2017 05:41:04

AttVOPThingy2.hiplc (265.8 KB)

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Thanks for the inspiration. Hopefully I can take a look at these files tomorrow. Work is getting in the way of my learning.
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No worries let me know if you need any help with it.
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There is a paragraph in the new 3D world magazine that makes me speculate that this system may have undergone some big changes?
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Oh that sounds cool! I'm holding off looking at that… Saving it up till the launch next week

It would be nice if they make it a little easier to bring object references into vops. It still feels a little awkward for me moving things into other contexts.

The way I set this scene up was to first make a parameter in vops, then copy the rotation channel reference into it. it'd be nice if there you could just drag the reference in like this.

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That would be nice. Judging from the ICETree, I'm guessing you are from SoftImage decent? I never had the pleasure of trying that software out. My background is mostly C4d and Modo. Did a bit in MAX, but it didn't stick.

Your profile says that your from Australia. I just lost my last two weeks of sleep watching the Open.
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Yeah, used to use SoftImage, but I'm super happy with the move to Houdini.
Haha, the open was cool Some great matches!
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