Random Counting Control

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I want to have 12 integers which slowly count up in a semi-random fashion.

The rules are:
They have to stay within 2 units of each other
They should change up at different times (eg. not all be in step)

Hopefully relatively simple but I'm not having a huge amount of success with it.

I could of course keyframe it and/or jiggle random seeds in noise until it matches but I'd quite like to have a dynamic approach. Meaning I can just change one random seed and the whole lot will be different but work.

I've attached what I've been fiddling with.

Any thoughts appreciated.
Edited by Simon Russell - Feb. 28, 2017 11:26:17

Counting Up.hiplc.zip (16.3 KB)

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Hi Simon,

is this the kind of thing you were thinking of?

I'm sure more could be done to mangle the seed value on the rand function, but it seems to give a half decent result for a start
Edited by friedasparagus - Feb. 28, 2017 17:25:47

random_stepping.hip (84.0 KB)

Henry Dean
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Thanks Friedasparagus (if that is your real name!)

That has slightly melted my head as I'm still getting my head around vex (an if in an if!)
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No trubs, I'm afraid it is very rough. The two ifs are firstly a check to see if the point has been given the green light to move, then, if it has been given the go ahead check to see if it's getting to far ahead and then veto the move if so.
They don't have to be nested, but I thought it might be clearer. Would have helped if I wrote some comments!

Henry (alias)

PS. Had a look at the website, there's some really beautiful work there!
Henry Dean
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