Pyro FX not deforming with moving geometry?

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Hi guys,

Usually I wouldn't bother asking around, but I've been struggling to find a fix to this problem, and I really do need find one soon as it is for an assignment.

To put it simply, I have animated a sword in Maya, have exported the .fbx and imported it into houdini. All was supposedly well, my geometry that I've set up to be an emitter for the pyro fx worked and still animated along the sword (It's parented)

But. The bounding box isn't deforming as it should. Instead of moving, it collapses and moves to the side. The smoke is still there, though.

I'm about to try caching the geometry to see if that works, but am looking for suggestions.


(as an aside, I've only been using Houdini for the past two months or so)
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Fast moving objects can cause problems. What you might be experiencing is that the pyro bounding area is not expanding/tracking as it should. Often you need to add additional field names to the Reference Field of the resize_container node. It defaults to density, try adding/typing vel and divergence as well, separated by spaces. Then rewind and re-sim.
Edited by Enivob - March 9, 2017 09:31:30
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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Thanks, Enivob! Ended up playing around with constraints. Not sure what I clicked but it seems to have fixed my problem.

Nonetheless, if I come across the issue again, at least I know of a possible fix, thanks to you
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Thanks, Enivob! Ended up playing around with constraints. Not sure what I clicked but it seems to have fixed my problem.

Nonetheless, if I come across the issue again, at least I know of a possible fix, thanks to you

Is it possible for you attach a test file.
I am also facing issue similar to this while parenting pyro to moving geometry.
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